Amazing bouquet of chocolate roses AND Jordan almonds artistically arranged in a bouquet to make an attractive table center piece. Each guest can then pick a favor of 1 rose chocolate and 1 almond holder. Available in any count and in multiple colors.
This original idea of individual chocolate roses and Jordan almonds grouped together to form a center piece will sure be the talk of the party! It is custom made and consists of long Chocolate roses (in red, pink or lavender), and individual Jordan almonds in a long holder (in white, silver or Gold) assembled in a beautiful glass vase filled with mint or almonds and decorated with matching Italian tulles and ribbons. Each bouquet can be made with any count you want. The price shown is for a bouquet of 8 roses and almonds but you can select bouquet of 10 or 12 depending on how many guests are on each table. Each bouquet will make an impressive center piece. Each guest can then have his own favor of chocolate rose and almond.
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We can also add an assembled personalized ribbons to each rose to commemorate your occasion, choose to add the ribbons from the product options above.
Shown in lavender but the roses and decoration are also available in red or pink. The Jordan almonds are available in white, silver or gold. To order, please make your selection above, enter the quantity of the center pieces you want then click Add To Cart